Animal Planet Tru Moo Tru Animal Fact
Animal Planet Tru Moo Tru Animal Fact
Discovery Channel Shark Week Esurance
Discovery Channel Shark Week Esurance
Investigation Discovery A Crime to Remember s3 launch
Investigation Discovery A Crime to Remember s3 launch
Discovery Channel VW Shark Week Custom Vignette
Discovery Channel VW Shark Week Custom Vignette
Animal Planet Monster Week 2016 launch
Animal Planet Monster Week 2016 launch
Discovery Channel VW Shark Week Teaser
Discovery Channel VW Shark Week Teaser
Investigation Discovery I, Witness launch
Investigation Discovery I, Witness launch
Discovery Communications Volunteer Match PSA
Discovery Communications Volunteer Match PSA
Discovery Channel Starts with 1 Thing PSA
Discovery Channel Starts with 1 Thing PSA
Discovery Oceana Change the Tide PSA
Discovery Oceana Change the Tide PSA
Investigation Discovery Horror at the Cecil Hotel
Investigation Discovery Horror at the Cecil Hotel
E Society X
E Society X
Animal Planet Tru Moo Tru Animal Factpost production/editorial and motion graphics producer
Discovery Channel Shark Week Esurancevfx producer
Investigation Discovery A Crime to Remember s3 launchpost production/editorial and motion graphics producer
Discovery Channel VW Shark Week Custom Vignettepost production/editorial and motion graphics producer
Animal Planet Monster Week 2016 launchmotion graphics producer
Discovery Channel VW Shark Week Teaserpost production/editorial producer
Investigation Discovery I, Witness launchpost production/editorial and motion graphics producer
Discovery Communications Volunteer Match PSApost production/editorial and motion graphics producer
Discovery Channel Starts with 1 Thing PSApost production/editorial and motion graphics producer
Discovery Oceana Change the Tide PSAvfx/motion graphics producer
Investigation Discovery Horror at the Cecil Hotelmotion graphics producer
E Society Xmotion graphics producer
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